Oral History Project

30 Total

29 Online


Contemporary interviews video recorded with individuals who participated in the Soviet Jewry Movement in different roles, including leaders and staff of Western organizations, individual activists, and former refuseniks and emigres. Video length ranges between 40 minutes to more than three hours. Topics discussed include the motivation to participate in the movement, motivation to emigrate, activities during the period of the movement, gender roles, and legacy. 


Full, unedited interview with Gennady Estraikh, 2023

Full, unedited interview with Gennady Estraikh, 2023

Full, unedited interivew with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, 2023

Full, unedited interivew with Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, 2023

Full, unedited interview with  Zeesy Schnur, 2024

Full, unedited interview with Zeesy Schnur, 2024