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The collection contains materials created and collected by Alexander Smukler related to: Smukler's activities as a Refusenik, the production and distribution of samizdat in the Soviet Union, and his continued activism based out of the United States. The collection contains Smukler's personal materials, including: article drafts, correspondence, reports, research and planning documents, periodicals, ephemera, photographs, and audiovisual media, as well as issues and other documents related to samizdat periodicals. Some of the included titles are: Evrei v SSSR (Jews in the USSR), Tarbut Kul'tura (Tarbut Culture), Evrei v Sovremennom Mire (Jews in the Contemporary World), Leningradskii Evreiskii Al'manakh (Leningrad Jewish Almanac), Evreiskii Ezhegodnik (Jewish Annual), Informatsionnyi Byulleten' po Problemam Evreiskoi Repatriatsii i Kul'tury (Information Bulletin on Issues of Jewish Repatriation and Culture), and others, in addition to samizdat editions of literary works.